2024-01-09 20:05:08 编辑:无 浏览:(280次)
主题:reintroduction of captive-raised Hawaiian crow 重新引进人工养殖的夏威夷乌鸦
阅读分论点一:vulnerability to predators,人工养殖的乌鸦并不能抵御自然界中的捕食者,hawks
阅读分论点二:nest buildings,放出来的male crow会干扰females 建巢,从而降低生育率
阅读分论点三:egg hatching,孵化存在问题,没有成功孵化出幼鸟
听力分论点一:人工养殖期间可以培养乌鸦的危险意识,播放鹰的音频或是在安全环境中让乌鸦接触live hawks,那么这些人工养殖乌鸦就能意识到危险并做出回应
听力分论点二:males干扰nest building是因为social skills不健全,之前没有接触过females,所以解决方案可以是人工养殖时就将females和males养在一起,就不会出现这种情况了
听力分论点三:first-time parents可能没有mate成功,下的蛋都是infertile eggs,所以不能孵化,后期多mate几次会成功的
Your professor is teaching a class on educational administration.
Dr. Diaz
Today we will discuss a topic that is important for students and the public at large: namely, how to prioritize spending, given the limited funding available for schools. Some people think schools should spend more money on school teachers' salaries because, if the salaries improved, more qualified people will be attracted to the profession. Others believe the money should be spent on additional resources such as books and computers. Which viewpoint do you agree with, and why?
I believe that increasing schoolteachers' pay would increase the quality of education. If they made more money, people would consider teaching as a profession instead of going into private industry. We need our smartest people in the classroom.
I think school teachers already make enough money and already deliver high-quality education. I'm not sure that increasing their salaries would have much effect. However, schools are always in need of new equipment or facilities. Knowledge and technology are always growing and changing, and we need to prepare students with the most up-to-date materials possible.
1.additional resources ==> enliven classroom’s learning atmosphere through vivid videos or songs ==> arouse students’ learning interest
2.additional resources ==> tell about life experiences, actual life situations, and corresponding skills ==> benefit students’ future career development
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